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- TokyWoky is the first real-time Q&A community between consumers in France- We are all expert at something. TokyWoky unites helpful people who want to share their passion with the world.
- If you have knowledge to share, join us and advise the community in your own field of expertise: wether it's high-tech, sport, beauty, pets, music…
Nath, beauty coach : « A great place to find objective answers and a great way to save some time. TokyWoky is a really precious help when you can't find what you're looking for.»
Warlox7, Hight-tech coach : « It’s an awesome website to get a lot of advice and opinions that you can share with others :) »
Lili, fashion coach : « A great idea, to let consumers help each other out on online shops in real-time. A really nice sharing platform »
Ficello, coach : « Hi, this is a really practical platform for visitors in need. Furthermore all the other coachs are nice and give really good advice »